Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Starting over

Well I decided to start over...I am going to get back into shape!! I have put on wayyyyyy tooo many lbs.!!! I kept using having my kids as an excuse. Well I only have 2 and the youngest is 2 and half. Its about time I start using excuses and get motivated. I am going to start on weight watchers again and this time I WILL NOT FAIL!! I am determined to do this. I have found a new love called Zumba. I get out of the house the nights my husband is home and I go out for a bit and shake/sweat my ass off!! I find it fun and tuff! I am trying my best and I think I am doing a pretty good job at it. I go when I can and I am going to work it out where the nights I can not go I do it at home with the DVDs. I rather be out at class so I am not going to be lazy but I have no choice because my hubby works most nights. I have found a great couple of instructors whom I adore. We shall see. I will keep track with pics and then I hope to put them up when I reach some goals.

Monday, July 26, 2010

New to blogging!

Hello world! I am very new to the blogging expierence. I figure when you go the therapy you need to spill your guts out to have some relief then let me try this. Its free!!! LOL.. If anyone has any pointers please let me in on the little secrets!!

Lets see..Today is 7/26/2010 and I am at work. I guess I should be working..lol Well I am going to do that for a little while and then I will be back..lol